There are over 200 miles of managed snowmobile trails to enjoy in Kenosha County.
All snowmobiles operating in Wisconsin must purchase and display a Wisconsin Trail Pass.
The local resource for all things snowmobile-related is the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs. Visit their website at to:
- Learn more about the alliance
- Learn how to join a local club and save money on your trail pass
- Learn how to purchase a Kenosha County Trails Map
FOR CURRENT CONDITIONS: Call the Kenosha County Snowmobile Hotline at (262) 671-4944 throughout winter for the most current and official notice of trail conditions.
More information from the Kenosha County Alliance of Snowmobile Clubs: Our general guidelines state that there must be at least 4" of snow if the ground is frozen, or 6" if the ground is not frozen, to open the trails. Any decision will be made based on actual trails conditions, including weather conditions before, during, and after the snow event. The groomers go out if there is at least 6" on the ground. Conditions will vary by location.
The Wisconsin DNR provides registration services for snowmobiles. All snowmobiles kept in Wisconsin for more than 15 consecutive days must be registered in Wisconsin unless an exemption to registration applies.
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