Please join us in supporting our locally owned restaurants during Kenosha Restaurant Week: February 22 - March 2, 2025.

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Printable Activities

Here are some Kenosha-themed activities for you to enjoy at home or from a Kenosha hotel room!

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Make a Story | Coloring PagesKenosha Activity Book 

Make Your Own KENOSHA FUN Story

Remember those fun fill-in-the-blank, make-your-own stories? Well, we’ve come up with our own Kenosha story – but we need your help to complete it! Please help us! Play with a friend or family member … do it just for fun … or hit the submit button below to send your story to us! Then your story will have a chance to be featured on our social media channels. Random prizes will be awarded, too!


Digital Version you can submit to us (below) | Print Version

Story Submission


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The Color of Kenosha coloring book 2022The Color of Kenosha

The Color of Kenosha is a coloring book series for all ages, featuring local businesses and places around Kenosha. The art is created by Donovan Scherer at Studio Moonfall in Downtown Kenosha. Below are PDF files of the Visit Kenosha-sponsored pages from various editions of the coloring books.

Feel free to print the pages and have fun coloring!

Visit Studio Moonfall in person or online!

Kenosha Activity Book

Whether you’re a long-time Kenosha resident, a newbie to the area, a nearby neighbor, a frequent visitor, or someone who plans to visit in the future, you’ll have fun with this Kenosha Area Activity Book that our team at Visit Kenosha has developed. It’s for all ages and includes trivia, coloring, and other activities. The coloring page on the cover includes modern and historic Kenosha scenes. The activity book includes two photo quizzes, a crossword puzzle, a word search puzzle, streetcar activities, and more coloring pages. There are also 50 trivia questions that are divided into four categories: Kenosha history, pop culture, celebrity, and sports & recreation. Every question is related to Kenosha!

Please note: this was developed in 2020/2021 and some information may be outdated. Jelly Belly Visitor Center is no longer located in Kenosha County.

Things to Do


There is plenty to see and do both outdoors and indoors in Kenosha.


Find an array of locally-owned shops, boutiques, galleries and markets with an emphasis on the...