Submit Your Events


-Events Must Take Place in Kenosha County-

To submit your event for consideration of placement on the Visit Kenosha Events Calendar on, please read the following Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Submission of an event is not a guarantee of placement on the Calendar. We also recommend you contact local media outlets with your event information.

    Event must take place in Kenosha County, be open to the general public, and be of interest to tourists.

    Classes, workshops, conferences, meetings, camps, and extended programs are generally not considered for inclusion. Bus trips that travel outside Kenosha County, class reunions, political events, and networking events are not considered for inclusion. There are case-by-case exceptions as to what events are or are not listed on the Calendar. In some cases, the provided information may be better suited to be promoted by us in an alternative way (such as on another part of our website).

  • We recommend you contact us no less than two weeks before your event. Two months is even better! The earlier we get your event information, the more time we have to promote it for you! Events are manually reviewed by one staff member during business hours. Expect delays around holidays, particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    • Only complete this form if the event takes place in Kenosha County.
    • Please make sure the event isn't already on our Visit Kenosha Events Calendar. Our staff may have already added it.
    • The Contact Info section with the first four fields is for internal use by Visit Kenosha. Please include your name, email, and phone number.
    • The fields in the Event Information section appear on the website.
    • You may choose more than one Event Category from the provided list. While you must also pick one primary category, your event will show up under all the categories you choose. We may add or remove your event from categories, as we see fit.
    • Like the Calendar itself, the “virtual” category may only be used by an organization or business that is in Kenosha County.
    • Host Organization refers to who the event is presented by.
    • If you are a Visit Kenosha Tourism Partner, use the Select a Venue dropdown menu so this event connects to your listing page. Otherwise, use the Location field.
    • We strongly encourage you to include a phone number to share with the general public. An event may not be listed if there is not a phone number.
    • Images you submit may be cropped by Visit Kenosha and depending on dimensions and quality, may or may not be used. If you do not provide a photo or it does not meet our standards, we may use a photo from your website or social media page, one we have on file, or a placeholder image.
    • If there is a registration deadline, please include it in the Event Description.
    • Visit Kenosha reserves the right to edit text.
  • Please inform us, at any time, of any changes to your submitted event information. With changes or questions, email or call (262) 654-7307 Ext. 13. It’s best to email!

  • No; there is no fee.

  • Submitted events may also be promoted through additional Visit Kenosha products in print and online (including other pages on our website and our social media channels), as well as various media outlets.